
Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Blues: Roses Are Blue

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday, which means I'm bringing a new blue manicure to the blog. I've had a great relaxing weekend so there's no reason to feel down today. I always say that there's no reason to hate Mondays if you love your job. The nails I'm showing you today were done in a hurry and the stamping isn't that perfect, but I still like the image and the colors together. So here we go!

As you can see, this manicure is all about the roses. I'm a big fan of roses, especially on the nail and since I've done a lot of red rose manicures in the past, I decided to try something different. I started with a base of p2 Color Victim 920 Up in the air!, a beautiful periwinkle with tiny silver shimmer that isn't visible in pictures. It's a beautiful color with a great formula, even though the brush isn't that great.

I stamped an image from plate 21 from the Tourist Collection from MoYou London. The polish I used was China Glaze Queen B, a shade that has become one of my favorites in the last weeks. I wore it as a full manicure and I'm now wearing it as a pedicure, so I decided to use it for stamping as well because it's opaque in one coat. It did stamp very well but I didn't clean my plate properly between nails so some of them didn't turn out that great. I still loved the result.

Sometimes all you need is a simple blue manicure to brighten your day. I will surely use this image again because it's gorgeous! Don't forget to check out the rest of the Monday Blues of this month by clicking the links below.

Have a great week! 


  1. este superba, intodeaun stamping-ul tau arata superb, eu nu vad defecte :-)

  2. This is so pretty and delicate. That's really a great stamping image!

  3. Love the blue on blue stamping! The roses look awesome.

  4. Dark Euridice Caro LinaSeptember 16, 2014 at 6:19 AM

    Lovely stamping! It looks wonderful on your hands.

  5. Beautiful image, and you've stamped it perfectly. Gorgeous!

  6. Nu inteleg de ce te plangi de stampilat? Arata minunat! Iar albastrul de la p2 e de-a dreptul divin :* Super faina idee sa faci trandafirii albastri !

  7. Multumesc mult! Esti tare draguta.

  8. Thank you so much! It wasn't quite perfect but you are very nice to say that.

  9. Multumesc! Pe unghia din mijloc e cam stearsa imaginea si celelalte au niste pete de oja pe alocuri. N-am fost deloc multumita cand le-am facut. Dupa aia m-am mai obisnuit.
