
Friday, October 3, 2014

Big Nails and a Jelly Sandwich

Hello my lovelies! As you are reading this, I am away for a conference again. I scheduled this post to keep you entertained while I'm gone. You are probably wondering about the crazy title of this post. I got inspired by the name of the polish I've used for this manicure, even though my nails aren't that big. They are still pretty long in these pictures compared to what I usually wear so I guess they are my version of big nails. Without further ado, here is the manicure.

The main ingredient in this manicure is the wonderful OPI jelly called Big Hair...Big Nails. This was part of the Texas collection from spring 2011, back when people didn't know a lot about jelly polishes. The OPI people called the 6 jelly shades in this collection sorbets, but it's pretty much the same thing. They are sheer and squishy, but can build up to a nice opacity with multiple coats. Perfect for sandwiches!

I started with two coats of Big Hair...Big Nails and then used a generous coat of Etude House Coco Black on top. I then applied another coat of the jelly and finished everything with top coat. The only problem about this gorgeous manicure was photographing it. The bright coral shade of the jelly came out totally orange in photos. I had to do some serious editing to make these pictures more true to reality. I did my best but it was pretty hard so please excuse any weird bits you notice in the pictures. Here it is in direct light to bring the squishiness out.

I was pleasantly surprised by this polish. I'm not a big fan of warm shades on my skin tone but somehow this one looked just right. Not too orange and definitely bright, which always saves the day. I'm really excited to add another jelly to my collection because jelly sandwiches are a must for me. I just love them!


  1. Yay for jelly sandwiches. ;) Love this combo!

  2. Chiar voiam sa zic ca tare bate-n portocaliu in poze si tu nu te prea impaci cu nuanta asta, dar arata absolut superb! Trebuie sa vad si celelalte jeleuri din colectie :)
