
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Astor Elegant Amethyst

Hello my lovelies and happy Sunday! As I promised yesterday, I am back with another post in an attempt to get rid of all the pictures I gathered in my blog folder. These are from almost two months ago so it was high time for me to post them. It's been a long time since I've showed you a textured polish on the blog. I must admit that I'm kinda over the trend and I haven't purchased any new ones in a long time, so the ones I post here and there are borrowed ones. I do love the ones I already own and I occasionally wear them or use them for nail art. Today's polish comes from a brand called Astor and was kindly lent to me by a friend.

Astor Elegant Amethyst indoors, artificial light

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sally Hansen Rockstar Pink

Hello my lovelies! It's the weekend and it's gonna be a long one for me because Monday is a holiday in my country. I was dead tired yesterday but after a 10 hour sleep I'm good as new and ready to start my Saturday. But before I take on today's challenges, I thought I would squeeze in a tiny post on the blog. It's a simple pink manicure, a color I don't normally post, but one that goes great with my mood today.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday Blues: Barry M Eat My Dust

Hello my lovelies! It's been ages since I've written a post and I feel kinda rusty. I should apologize for my absence from the blog in the last weeks but I've been away most of the time and really busy when I was in town. The next weeks aren't looking good either, but I'll try to squeeze some blogging in between. As I mentioned before, I was away for over a week and the destination of my journey was Dublin. So I had the chance to buy a few polishes from brands that aren't normally accessible to me. Of course the first one was Barry M, which is a big favorite of mine. Everybody loves their Gelly polishes but I've always had issues with drying time so when they brought out the Speedy Quick Dry polishes I couldn't wait to try them out. I got a couple and the first one I'm showing you today is a beautiful blue.

Barry M Eat My Dust indoors, artificial light

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday Blues: Pastel Dots

Hello my lovelies! As you're reading this I am away on a small vacation and hopefully having lots of fun. Of course I needed to schedule a post so I wouldn't miss the Monday Blues of this week. The manicure I'm showing you today was inspired entirely by spring. I really wanted to have some pastel colors on my nails so I created these on a whim. They didn't turn out exactly like I pictured them in my head and my camera died on me after I took the first picture. I had to use my old camera, hence the weird looking pictures. Oh well.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday Blues: Picture Polish Fool's Gold

Hello my lovelies! Believe it or not, it's time for another Monday Blues post. I've been away this weekend, hence the lack of posts in the last week. I knew May was gonna be a busy month for me and time is just flying by. One thing that I wouldn't miss for the world is my weekly blue post, especially since today I have a fabulous polish to show you. This one is a true winner!

Picture Polish Fool's Gold indoors, artificial light

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Blues: Metallic Spring

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday and it's a whole new month so let's be excited. My month of May is gonna be awesome because I have a couple of trips coming up and I can't wait. Let's hope that the weather will be just right. Spring and summer are my favorite seasons so now that spring is finally here I need to get out of the house as much as I can. Bright blue nails are an absolute must for this season. The ones I'm showing you today are easy to create and very elegant.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Flower Wallpaper

Hello my lovelies! I don't know about you, but I'm so glad it's the weekend. This week has been pretty stressful for me. The fact that it's raining and freezing outside is bringing me down but I'm still glad that I don't have to go to work. Instead I'm gonna show you a manicure from a couple of weeks ago that turned out to be pretty controversial. Here it is!