
Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Blues: Holo Gradient

Hello my lovelies! I'm gonna be honest with you today and tell you that I'm not in a great mood. Work was crazy and I can't wait to get some rest. On top of all that, it's raining cats and dogs outside, which doesn't really cheer me up. In contrast with my terrible mood, there's a really fun and sparkly manicure on the blog today. It's perfect for the summer!

Ever since I got some more of the Color Club Halo Hues a couple of months ago, I've been dreaming of this combination. A gradient using Blue Heaven and Over the Moon seemed like the perfect idea. It took me some time to gather up the patience to create these nails but I finally did them last Friday night.

The gradient was pretty easy to create because these polishes have a great formula, are quite opaque and blend easily. The only issue was the cleanup I had to do after I finished. I used to be more patient in the past and did more demanding manicures all the time. Now I have to force myself to be patient but in the end this was totally worth it. Here's how it looks in the sun.

I did my best to photograph this but I can assure you it looked even more spectacular in real life. I can't wait to do more combinations with these polishes. They are absolutely amazing! Don't forget to check out the other Monday Blues of June in the links below!

Have a great week!


  1. Marisa (Polish Obsession)June 15, 2015 at 8:37 PM

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  2. Wow! Abia asteptam sa le vad mari! Arata spectaculos! M-ai inspirat sa incerc si eu cu cele 2 care le am :)
