
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lilac Lace

Hello my lovelies! It's a lazy Saturday in my neck of the woods but I couldn't say no to writing a post for you. My nails are extremely short at the moment and it's frustrating because I'm in the mood to do some nail art but I don't have a canvas for it. I'm trying to grow out my nails and it's not going very well. Luckily, there are some manicures in my vault, hence today's post. It's about some nail art I did a couple of weeks ago.

This manicure features the other Barry M Speedy polish that I bought on my Dublin trip. The first one, Eat My Dust, was a sky blue creme. This one is called Lap of Honour and it's a dusty lilac creme. It's more on the pink side of the lilac spectre. You could also call it a light lavender shade. It's lovely and I have nothing like it in my collection.

I had some bubbling issues with the other Speedy polish, so I was curious to see if this one would act the same. I did see some bubbles show up but not as many as with the other one. I would say that the secret with these is to do thin coats and wait a bit between them so they can dry. Since they are quick dry polishes this shouldn't take long. I did two coats of the polish and decided to stamp a lace pattern from plate BP-L020 from the Born Pretty Store using Konad White. I finished everything with a coat of Seche Vite.

This is the type of nail art that anyone can wear, even at work. I had it on for almost a week and enjoyed it quite a lot. I'm still on the fence about the Barry M Speedy polishes because they aren't very easy to work with. What I do love though is this lace stamping plate. Don't forget that you can use code MFL91 to get 10% off your Born Pretty Store order. Have an amazing weekend!