
Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Blues: Blue Fame

Hello my lovelies! Can you believe it's Monday again? I sure can't! Especially because I'm on vacation and the days are just flying by. The only thing different about today is the fact that I have to write this post for you. The title is not that original and I apologize for the lack of inspiration. I am in love with these nails though and hopefully you will like them too. Here we go!

I created these yesterday and I'm wearing them right now. I must say that they look a lot better in real life than they came out in these pictures. The photos are taken in direct light because that's the only way to capture the holo effect. The star of the show is a polish called Fame that comes from the ILNP Spring 2015 collection and was kindly lent to me by my friend Kinga. Here it is by itself.

ILNP Fame indoors, artificial light
Fame is a truly unusual polish and it's very hard to describe. The color is gold, but depending on the light it can look more or less silvery. There's a linear holo but also a ton of metallic flakes, so it can look like a foil if the light doesn't hit it directly. One thing that I can say about this polish is that it's very very sparkly. I decided to tone it down a bit by adding some blue tips.

I started with two coats of Fame that I applied carefully to make sure there were no bald spots. I then added a coat of Seche Vite and waited for everything to dry. After it was dry, I masked the base of my nail with triangular pieces of tape and painted the tips with China Glaze Man Hunt. I quickly removed the tape and added another coat of Seche Vite.

This is a very elegant manicure and I love wearing it. I'll probably love it so much that I'm not gonna remove it all week and then will have nothing new to show you on the blog. It's all worth it for this amazing polish though. Make sure you check out the other Monday Blues of this month by clicking the links below!

Have a great week!

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