Saturday, February 13, 2016

Holo Stained Glass

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday! That should be enough to get us all in a good mood. I'm also really excited because I get to show you a manicure that I'm really happy with. I've been following Instagram and YouTube and admiring all the amazing decals people are doing, but every time I tried doing some I failed miserably. I did manage to do some water marble decals a few weeks ago because those are easier to do than stamping decals. I'm still working on creating some successful stamping decals, but today I want to show you some vinyl decals that I created using a method I saw in a YouTube tutorial created by Ohmygoshpolish. If you wanna know how to make these head over to her channel and watch her video. I'm sure you will love all her videos in fact. But first take a look at my manicure!

I created these decals using by beloved Color Club Halo Hues. I picked three colors, namely Eternal Beauty (purple), Over the Moon (blue) and Beyond (black). My nails aren't that long at the moment so you can only see the black on some of them at the tips. I used some nail vinyls from the Born Pretty Store that resemble stained glass. This method is quite nice because you only need one vinyl and you can use it repeatedly for each decal. So a pack of vinyls lasts for a really long time.

Like in the tutorial, I used a silicone baking mat to create these. I don't own one of those fancy mats made especially for nails and I don't think I need one because this one works just fine. Plus it was a lot cheaper and I purchased it locally. It's also blue, which is always great because you know how much I love blue.

The base polish I used before application was Sally Hansen Dorien Gray, a gorgeous light grey creme that applies like a dream in two coats. Another new addition to this post are some pictures featuring my left hand. Because the decals are created on the mat they all look good so there is no difference between my nail art hand and my Cinderella hand.

If you are interested in these vinyls you can find them here. They come in a sheet of 12, so they last you for a full manicure and a ton of decals if you want to. There are also tons of other patterns and you can use code MFL91 to get 10% off your order.

I'm so happy with how these came out. I can't wait to try out some more ideas and maybe even show you some stamping decals one day. Hope you enjoyed these! Thanks for reading and have an amazing weekend!

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