
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Easter Eggs

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday and it's Easter weekend in my country, so I decided to post some Easter themed nails even though a lot of you have already celebrated this holiday. I don't usually do any nails for this holiday because it's not one I'm particularly fond of, but one of my new Moyra plates had a really cute Easter egg design that inspired me so I decided to do some decals. The plate I'm talking about is 24 Primavera and it's one of the newest they came out with. I promise to do a review as soon as I can but until then take a look at this manicure!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Reciprocal Gradient Stamping

Hello my lovelies! It's unusual for me to post on a Thursday, but I've had a bit of free time lately and I've been doing more nail art than usual. As a consequence, I have a few manicures to show you and can't wait to post them. That's why I decided to write this post and show you some psychedelic nails I did last week. I was really happy with how these came out because the result was very similar with what I had in my head. That doesn't always happen, especially with such an intricate design. Anyway, I'm very happy to present the reciprocal gradient stamping manicure.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Blues: Squishy Watercolor

Hello my lovelies! It's a cold and rainy Monday in my neck of the woods but I've got a manicure that will instantly cheer us up. I'm honestly very happy with how this turned out, so happy that I've been using the images as my desktop background for the past week. This manicure is the first where I've used a new for me technique. I don't know what the official name for this is, some call it squishy, others call it smooshy, but basically it involves a stamper for applying your colors on the nail. It's been around for a while now and it seems that a lot of people have been using this technique. I've seen a lot of nails done this way in the last few weeks, so I decided to try it out. Here's the result!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Elegant Fame

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday, so I had to squeeze in a post between my other relaxing activities. Today's post is all about a holo polish that I recently got from my friend Kinga's blog sale. I had already borrowed it last year and showed it to you here, so when she decided to part with it I had to bring it home. It seems that it's holo week on the blog because Monday's post had some holo in it too. I guess it's only fair because the sun has been shining all week. Anyway, let's get to the nails!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Blues: Soft Holo

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday but that's not so bad because the sun is shining and spring is in full bloom. To celebrate the sun I have a bit of holo in today's manicure. It's also spring appropriate because the shades are quite soft. The base color is a polish that I borrowed from my friend Kinga last year and decided to bring home with me at her last blog sale. I think it's really pretty!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Purple Circuits

Hello my lovelies! It's Saturday and the weather is just lovely, so I hope to spend some time outdoor. But I couldn't leave the blog without any posts this weekend so here I am. Today's manicure is pretty simple to create but it introduces a few polishes that are new in my collection. I also used a cool stamping plate that I wanted since forever. Let's take a look!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday Blues: Turquoise Dream

Hello my lovelies! How are you on this fine Monday? I didn't have much work to do today so I kinda feel like I'm on holiday. Unfortunately, it's been raining for a couple of days around here so summer is only present on my nails. Luckily this manicure instantly cheers me up when I look at it because it's such a gorgeous color. Plus there are seashells involved so it really can't get any better. I'm dreaming of the sea already. Take a look!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Leadlight Flowers

Hello my lovelies! It's a beautiful Saturday in my neck of the woods and I decided to spend my morning doing nail related stuff. I had a ton of unedited pictures of manicures that are now taken care of and a few YouTube videos from my favorite nail artists to watch. But now I'm going to write this post to show you my latest work of art. I did these nails a couple of days ago because I missed doing a leadlight manicure and been wanting to do one in weeks. I finally gathered up some free time and got to work. I'm really pleased with the result!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Blues: Glass Nails

Hello my lovelies! Another week has passed and I haven't managed to post anything since the last Monday Blues. I had lots of work to do and then decided to relax during the weekend. But today I'm returning with a very trendy manicure. I finally got myself some fancy foil and was able to jump on the glass nails trend. The experience was pretty controversial for me and I'm gonna tell you all about it in this post. I try to be honest on my blog, so I can't stand painting a pretty picture when the truth isn't exactly that. Anyway, this nail art foil was kindly sent to me by LadyQueen. Here's my result!