
Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday Blues: Blue Paisley

Hello my lovelies! It's a pretty hot Monday in my neck of the woods, but it's still cooler than the last week has been. I'm done with work and it seems that there's a storm coming, so I'm very happy about that. Meanwhile I'm going to show you a manicure that I've been wearing and enjoying for a few days now. It's perfect for spring and summer because of the periwinkle theme it has. Take a look!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday Blues: Marble Decals

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday but it's a holiday in my country so nobody is working today. I'm really sorry for those of you that went to work today. I'm gonna try to take your Monday Blues away with some nail art over a beautiful sky blue polish. The result isn't perfect but I'm still happy with how it came out. Take a look!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Review: Moyra Stamping Plates Part 3

Hello my lovelies! I guess summer is upon us since we've been getting extra hot weather with ocasional thunderstorms in the last days. I much prefer staying cool and out of the sun. Nail art is, of course, one of my favorite indoors activities. Today I'm gonna show you the rest of the Moyra stamping plates in my collection. I own 10 Moyra plates in total, and I've already reviewed 6 of them here and here. Now it's time for me to show you the remaining 4 plates. I'm gonna try showing them in order, starting with 05 Vintage.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Blues: Thermal Bicycles

Hello my lovelies! Long time, no post. I haven't been feeling well in the past week so blogging has been on the back burner. I couldn't miss the Monday Blues though, even though it's really late in the day as I'm writing this post. Today I have a thermal polish to show you and a cute manicure I did with it. I must admit that this polish was kind of disappointing for me because I expected more from it. It's supposed to show 3 colors, like my beloved Dance Legend Termo Trio 1, but in fact there are only two visible on the nail. Here's what I'm talking about.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Blues: Lady Queen BC-06 Stamping Plate Review

Hello my lovelies! I hope your Monday is as sunny as mine! The weather is absolutely perfect today so I couldn't be happier. Today's post is all about a stamping plate that the lovely people over at Lady Queen sent to me. I have tried some of their nail art accessories in the past and I was quite curious to see if the stamping plates work well. I am happy to announce that all three stamping plates that I received stamp great. Today I'm showing you the first one. Here's the manicure I came up with using this stamping plate.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Vintage Calligraphy

Hello my lovelies! It's been a long and rainy week in my neck of the woods, and the weekend isn't bringing the sun either. So I will be mostly stuck inside, catching up on my couch time. The manicure I'm showing you today isn't something I usually do. I'm more for colorful nails and if I go for darks I go full vampy. Neutrals are not my thing, but I couldn't resist the images on the 05 Vintage stamping plate from Moyra. They called for something neutral and I had just the stamping polish for that. Here's what came out.