
Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Blues: Snow

Hello my lovelies! To those of you celebrating these days, I wish very happy holidays! Can't believe it's already Monday, which means that there's only one week left of my vacation. I know that it seems a lot but time surely flies by when you're having fun. We've been getting a bit of snow here these days and what better way to enjoy it than with a thermal polish. I think the best season for this type of polish is the cold one, because you can play with the different temperatures around you. I also managed to grow my nails a bit, which also helps with emphasizing the thermal effect.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Blues: China Glaze Blue-Ya!

Hello my lovelies! Today I'm happy to announce that I'm already on holiday. Not much to do but relax and enjoy myself for two weeks. I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am so of course I have a blue polish to cheer you up if you still have to go to work. It's been a while since I purchased a China Glaze polish, but even though it's my favorite brand I try to limit my purchases since I already have a huge collection. With this polish it was love at first sight and I had to get myself a bottle eventually. I was happy to see that it's so much better in real life than it shows up in pictures. My pictures don't do it justice at all so, I will try to compensate with words.

China Glaze Blue-Ya! indoors, artificial direct light

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday Blues: Cracked

Hello my lovelies! Is it just me or is Monday the busiest day of the week? I don't know hot it happens but I always have lots of stuff to do on Monday. Preparing this post is one of those things and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I know that everyone is doing only holiday related manicures these days but this week I decided to go for something a little different. I wanted to use one of my new p2 polishes that a friend got me from Germany a few weeks ago and I decided to pair it with some blue stamping. This is what came out.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Blues: Snow Trees

Hello my lovelies! It's been over 4 years since I started posting my Monday Blues and I never missed a week until last week. I always prepared my posts in advance, I scheduled posts when I went away and did my absolute best to have a post ready before the end of Monday. Unfortunately, I had an unscheduled event last weekend and combined with the crazy day that is the first day of the week plus a nasty cold I just couldn't create a manicure for you. I was disappointed but at the same time I knew that one day it will happen so I didn't beat myself up too much about it. I will still do my best to show you a blue manicure every Monday from now on. The one I have for you today is kind of a winter tradition for me. This polish is one of my favorite blues and every year I create a winter manicure using it.