
Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Blues: Snow

Hello my lovelies! To those of you celebrating these days, I wish very happy holidays! Can't believe it's already Monday, which means that there's only one week left of my vacation. I know that it seems a lot but time surely flies by when you're having fun. We've been getting a bit of snow here these days and what better way to enjoy it than with a thermal polish. I think the best season for this type of polish is the cold one, because you can play with the different temperatures around you. I also managed to grow my nails a bit, which also helps with emphasizing the thermal effect.

My nails don't seem blue at all in the picture above but that's because my nails were cold in that one. The polish I used is Dance Legend Termo Trio 1, a beauty that goes from blue (warm) to purple (cold) to dark purple (very cold). Unfortunately my camera has been acting up lately and I had trouble catching the 3 colors on the nail at the same time. Here's a warmer shot.

To add the snow effect on my nails I used a white glitter called Golden Rose Carnival 01. The only good shot of the color shift I could get has terrible lighting and placement of the hand. It's really hard to take photographs with your left hand without using a tripod so I apologize for this shot.

I can't wait to enjoy the color shift of this polish in the following days. Hopefully my nails won't break and will last at least until the end of the week. Don't forget to check out the rest of this month's Monday Blues in the link below! Hope to see you all in 2017!

Happy new year! 

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