
Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday Blues: Delicate Geometry

Hello my lovelies! It's not such a great Monday for me because I've been sick with the flu all weekend. Today I had to go to work even though I wasn't feeling very well, so I did my best to do my nails yesterday because they really needed it. I wasn't able to create something complicated so I did a simple stamping manicure over an a-england polish that is just gorgeous. Here's what came out.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Blues: Feather Strokes

Hello my lovelies! It's still Sunday afternoon as I'm writing this post and I feel really proud of myself that I managed to prepare it ahead of time. I usually write it on Monday after I finish work and I return from the gym, so I always feel tired and uninspired when I do it. That's why I often make myself feel excited about the nails even though all I wanna do is fall asleep watching some Netflix. But now I really feel excited to show you these nails because I just finished them a few hours ago. They remind me of spring and make me really happy. So take a look!