
Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Blues: Tropical Blue

Hello my lovelies! I'm back! First off, I have to apologize for this long absence. I know that no excuse is good enough, but I still have to mention that I'm going through a very busy and stressful period. I have a very important exam coming up this fall, one that is crucial for my career as a doctor. There's a lot of study material to cover and that on top of work. So between lack of time and stress, I couldn't find the motivation to blog. Once I gave up on posting it was harder to pick it back up. But these days I found myself missing blogging and talking to you about nails. I still do my nails once a week but lately my nail art game has been on and off. I still created a few nail art looks that I'm excited to show you, even though most weeks I just did a simple stamping or even an accent nail manicure with plain colors. But you can tell that I got in the mood for nail art again because a couple of weeks ago I did a leadlighting manicure. This is the result.