
Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Blues: Silver Snow

Hello my lovelies! Can you believe that November is almost over? I really wanted to do a lot of stuff this month and I have no idea where time went. I'm excited though because my birthday is coming up this week and it's also gonna be a 4 day weekend for us and I can't wait. Last weekend I was away and didn't have time to do nail art, but yesterday I created some nails in honor of the upcoming winter. I'm not a big fan of the cold season, even though I am a December baby. Snow is beautiful though, and snowflakes are gorgeous. Here's this year's first snowflake manicure!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Blues: Tribal Contrast

Hello my lovelies! Today is definitely one of those Mondays that make you wanna crawl under a rock and wait for the day to end. I barely managed to survive work today and now I'm trying to relax a bit before going to the gym. Looking at pictures of nails and talking about them is definitely relaxing. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a look at some blue nails. Hope you like them!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday Blues: Desert Sand

Hello my lovelies! Long time no see! I promise that this time I am back for good. The reason I've been away this long was a huge exam that is an important milestone in my career as a doctor. I've been studying for this for months and months, to the point where I wasn't doing anything else. I even stopped doing nail art. This weekend, after weeks and weeks of wearing just a plain nail color on my nails, I did some nail art again. It seems that it's something that you don't forget so easily. I remembered how much fun it was to do and I think I'm gonna stick with it in the future. I also missed blogging so here I am! This is the first post exam manicure.