
Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Blues: Silver Snow

Hello my lovelies! Can you believe that November is almost over? I really wanted to do a lot of stuff this month and I have no idea where time went. I'm excited though because my birthday is coming up this week and it's also gonna be a 4 day weekend for us and I can't wait. Last weekend I was away and didn't have time to do nail art, but yesterday I created some nails in honor of the upcoming winter. I'm not a big fan of the cold season, even though I am a December baby. Snow is beautiful though, and snowflakes are gorgeous. Here's this year's first snowflake manicure!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Blues: Tribal Contrast

Hello my lovelies! Today is definitely one of those Mondays that make you wanna crawl under a rock and wait for the day to end. I barely managed to survive work today and now I'm trying to relax a bit before going to the gym. Looking at pictures of nails and talking about them is definitely relaxing. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a look at some blue nails. Hope you like them!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday Blues: Desert Sand

Hello my lovelies! Long time no see! I promise that this time I am back for good. The reason I've been away this long was a huge exam that is an important milestone in my career as a doctor. I've been studying for this for months and months, to the point where I wasn't doing anything else. I even stopped doing nail art. This weekend, after weeks and weeks of wearing just a plain nail color on my nails, I did some nail art again. It seems that it's something that you don't forget so easily. I remembered how much fun it was to do and I think I'm gonna stick with it in the future. I also missed blogging so here I am! This is the first post exam manicure.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday Blues: Russian Flowers

Hello my lovelies! It's been a few weeks since I last posted a Monday Blues and I must apologize for that. The last weeks haven't been the best, but I'm not here to talk about sad stuff. I am here to talk about happy moments, namely a wedding. My best friend got married! Today I want to show you the manicure I wore for her wedding. It was inspired by the dress I chose, which can be found here. Here's what came out.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday Blues: Tropical Blue

Hello my lovelies! I'm back! First off, I have to apologize for this long absence. I know that no excuse is good enough, but I still have to mention that I'm going through a very busy and stressful period. I have a very important exam coming up this fall, one that is crucial for my career as a doctor. There's a lot of study material to cover and that on top of work. So between lack of time and stress, I couldn't find the motivation to blog. Once I gave up on posting it was harder to pick it back up. But these days I found myself missing blogging and talking to you about nails. I still do my nails once a week but lately my nail art game has been on and off. I still created a few nail art looks that I'm excited to show you, even though most weeks I just did a simple stamping or even an accent nail manicure with plain colors. But you can tell that I got in the mood for nail art again because a couple of weeks ago I did a leadlighting manicure. This is the result.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday Blues: Flower Caress

Hello my lovelies! I'm really sorry I took such a long break from posting. The last weeks have been really busy and stressful and I just didn't have the energy for blogging. Fortunately, we had a 5 day weekend in my country and I had the opportunity to get some rest. Today is still off and although I dread going back to work tomorrow, I managed to edit some pictures from last week so I can show them to you. I wore these nails for over a week until earlier today and I was really happy with how they looked. Simple and pretty as usual.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Blues: Geometric Mermaid

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday again but this time the sun is actually shining. The rain we've had in the last week has made me feel quite down and I haven't been very productive. Hopefully today will be better. This weekend I got inspired to do some mermaid nails. I was absolutely sure that my huge stamping plate collection had at least one fish scale image but it turns out it doesn't. So I ended up using something similar but with a geometrical theme. I used some mermaid tail colors and this is what came out.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday Blues: Gradient Windows

Hello my lovelies! Sorry for skipping the last Monday Blues but it was a holiday in my country and I couldn't be bothered to do nail art and write a post. But this week I'm back and I'm happy that I survived the first day of the week. Monday is always hectic and stuff seems to be piling up on my to do list, so I do my best to keep calm and not get overwhelmed. It always helps if I have something nice on my nails. This week I did a gradient but instead of using it as a base I stamped it. Here's what came out!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday Blues: Holo Tattoo

Hello my lovelies! I'm sorry I skipped last week's Monday Blues but it was a holiday in my country and I just couldn't be bothered to do anything but sit around and read. I was actually free the whole week so today was my first day back at work. I must say it didn't make me very happy. Another event from last week was actual snow coming to our city for a day or so. This made me really sad because you all know how much I hate the cold, not to mention in April. The weather is beginning to pick itself up again now, so I'm expecting sunny days from tomorrow on. Today's nails are very simple and they are a tribute to the sun. I wore these at the beginning of last week because I wanted some holo in my life. Take a look!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday Blues: Spring Mood

Hello my lovelies! The past week hasn't looked like spring at all in my neck of the woods, so I was feeling kinda down the last few days. I decided to cheer myself up with some bright nails and I came up with something really simple but fun. Unfortunately my camera didn't like me much yesterday and the pictures came out a little funny looking. I hope you don't mind it much and will still enjoy the nails!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday Blues: Spring Tartan

Hello my lovelies! April is here! If you've been reading my blog for a while you know by now that I'm not a fan of the cold season. So naturally I'm very happy that spring has arrived. I went on the first bike ride of the season yesterday and I couldn't be happier. My nails are also spring appropriate of course. Take a look!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Blues: Elegant Lace

Hello my lovelies! It's Monday again ant this time I won't skip my Monday Blues appointment. My nails are still recovering from what they suffered in the past weeks, so they are still very short. I will probably keep them short for a while because they are still weak. If you don't mind my nubs, I have an elegant manicure to show you this week. It's not very spring appropriate but I was in the mood for something like this. So here we go!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Blues: Colorful Mandala

Hello my lovelies! I'm back! First off, I apologize for the one month long hiatus. Of course there's a very legitimate explanation and it's nothing to worry about. I just moved to another apartment. Between the cleaning, decorating and furniture building I just had no time and no energy to do nail art. Not to mention that my nails got destroyed in the process. In fact, I wanted to post last week but my nails were so short that I had no canvas to work on. They are still very short and my cuticles are a mess, so you will have to forgive me for that as well. My wish to do nail art and blog was too strong for me to wait for another week. So here's the relatively simple manicure I came up with this week.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday Blues: Delicate Geometry

Hello my lovelies! It's not such a great Monday for me because I've been sick with the flu all weekend. Today I had to go to work even though I wasn't feeling very well, so I did my best to do my nails yesterday because they really needed it. I wasn't able to create something complicated so I did a simple stamping manicure over an a-england polish that is just gorgeous. Here's what came out.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday Blues: Feather Strokes

Hello my lovelies! It's still Sunday afternoon as I'm writing this post and I feel really proud of myself that I managed to prepare it ahead of time. I usually write it on Monday after I finish work and I return from the gym, so I always feel tired and uninspired when I do it. That's why I often make myself feel excited about the nails even though all I wanna do is fall asleep watching some Netflix. But now I really feel excited to show you these nails because I just finished them a few hours ago. They remind me of spring and make me really happy. So take a look!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Blues: Ombre Gradient

Hello my lovelies! It feels like just yesterday it was Friday and I have no idea where the weekend went. I feel less tired but I still could use some more rest. But who doesn't, right? Luckily, this week won't be very busy for me. Maybe I will even have some time to play with nail art. Today I have a manicure inspired by the amazing Colette from My Simple Little Pleasures. I saw her video this weekend and I immediately wanted to recreate her manicure. I tend to never copy other people's manicures but this time I just couldn't stay away. This shows how much I admire this wonderful nail artist and how much I love her work.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Blues: Winter Blues

Hello my lovelies! It's another cold January Monday in my neck of the woods. I don't know about you but I'm certainly fed up with the cold and can't wait for spring to come. Tomorrow is a bank holiday in my country so at least I've got that going for me. I also have some brand new blue nails to show you. The design was inspired by a pair of cozy fleece pants that I like to wear around the house when it's freezing outside. They have a winter sweater pattern on them that I love. I bought them a couple of years ago so I'm not sure if they can still be found, but if you wanna see them click here.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Blues: Sweet Paisley

Hello my lovelies! I won't pretend that I don't feel tired and stressed out after this Monday. But at least I got everything done and can now relax and write this post for you. Another great thing is that looking at my nails makes me happy, because I have a lovely manicure on them. The colors and pattern are rather spring appropriate, so I will apologize for being a little early with that. But aren't they lovely?

Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday Blues: Dots Revival

Hello my lovelies! Is it cold or what? I'm not sure how many people are experiencing this, but my country has been freezing over the past days and it's not over yet. It's really hard to stay positive when it's Monday and the temperature is so low, but nails always help me. I have a fresh manicure on my nails today and it's all blue. Take a look!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Monday Blues: Happy Blue Year!

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to the Monday Blues of 2017! I am not a big fan of the new year resolution thing, just because you don't need to wait for the first day of the year, or of the month, or of the week to start something. If you feel like doing something, why not start right now? And why do you need the new year "excuse" to become a better person? So to me this is just another opportunity to continue what I was doing and try to better myself like I do every day. Sadly, I have to go back to work tomorrow so I'm taking this day to enjoy as much relaxation time as possible. The first Monday Blues of the year features one of my first ever polishes and my very first China Glaze blue. I love it!