
Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday Blues: Blue Suns

Hello my lovelies! It's been a long time since I did a Monday Blues post and I missed it a lot. Since a large part of the manicures I wear contain blue, I have a few to show you from these past months. Most of them are quite simple, because I haven't done any intricate nail art lately. Somehow the patience has deserted me, so whenever I decide to do nail art at all, I do simple stamping. I know that I don't sound very enthusiastic, sorry about that. But I do love today's manicure. Here it is!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Turquoise and Feathers

Hello my lovelies! It's the first day of September, which for many people means the first day of fall. I, however, am not ready for summer to be over and since the fall equinox is only on the 22nd, we're going to pretend it's still summer. My nails are really short at the moment because they keep splitting and breaking, but I'm still wearing bright blue polish on them so it's all good. Today I want to show you an older manicure that has been sitting in my folders and I think deserves to be posted. Take a look!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday Blues: Simple Blue Flowers

Hello my lovelies! It's been a long time, I know, and I am really sorry. There are multiple reasons for my lack of posts, the main one being that I'm not as excited about doing my nails as I used to be. I often do nail art and even try taking pictures but I'm not happy with the results so I end up not posting anything. Another reason is that people aren't as interested in blogs as they used to be in the past. With all the social media that requires minimal attention, nobody is interested in reading a long blog post anymore. Many of the well known nail bloggers have stopped posting a while ago. The ladies I was doing Monday Blues with also stopped posting. And frankly I just don't have the energy to tackle Instagram and Facebook algorithms, so I just stopped posting there because nobody sees what you post. But enough with complaining, today I finally have a manicure to show you. And this time I'm really happy with how it came out!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Blues: Subtle Galaxy

Hello my lovelies! Sorry for my posts being so sparse lately but I figure it's better to post when I feel like it rather than forcing myself to create content that I'm not really excited about. I've been really picky about my manicures lately, I still do nail art almost every week but the results don't feel that original or unique for me. Today I want to show a manicure that I enjoyed a lot. Galaxy nails have been around for ages, so it's nothing original, yet it's one of the types of nail art that I always feel nostalgic about. Plus you don't need any skill or special tools to make it look awesome.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday Blues: Trend It Up Bold Glitter 030

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to the first Monday Blues of February! I don't know about you but January always gets me a bit down. I'm so glad it's over! I'm starting this month right with a post on the blog. By the way, I started a new blog about books. I know it's shameless advertising, but if you are interested in what I read you can check it out here. And if you are interested in what I wear on my nails, you have come to the right place. Today I want to show you a polish from a brand that is new to me and pretty new on the market. I haven't done a swatch post in ages and I must say I missed reviewing polish for you. So let's go!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Blues: Subtle Lines

Hello my lovelies! Happy new year! I'm really sorry that the first post of the year is so late but I do wish you all a very happy and productive 2018! It's been a while since my last post and I apologize for that. What can I say? I guess I needed the break because every time I tried to start blogging I felt that I just couldn't do it. I still do my nails once a week, and I still do nail art occasionally, so I have a few manicures to show you. First off, there's one from December that was inspired by the amazing My Simple Little Pleasures. It was a pin recreation (original pin here) that she did, but I actually used her technique rather than the one in the pin. Let's take a look!